Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cervical Lymphadenopathy More Condition_symptoms Posterior Cervical Lymphadenopathy? Really Scared...?

Posterior Cervical Lymphadenopathy? Really scared...? - cervical lymphadenopathy more condition_symptoms

About a year and a half, I discovered a great piece on the neck ... approximately one inch in diameter. I was a medic informed my doctor and was immediately sent to an ENT. He said an ultrasound and the report that he had a 3 mm x 5 x 8 (I) reduced mass in the lymph nodes (a little by then), and had lymphatic tissue around it. I told the specialist, I also had problems with my right hand a few years. I can hardly write with him, and I can not close my hand strong enough to make a fist. Thus, the specialist for physiotherapy beat ... Do not work for the hand or the lymph nodes.

Last year, the tumor to the point where it barely noticeable decreases, is growing again ... It takes about 4 months to complete the cycle.

I am 26, have also autoimmune disease, and I went to several immunosuppressive drugs (Remicade and Imuran budesonide) simultaneously.

Any thoughts or ideas, what could it be?

Thanks in advance =)


bozieu said...

All lymph nodes are not caused by cancer.

The fact that it makes gardening difficult had been treated with immunosuppressants
I do not work to check a little bit his left arm on the brain and eyes to the ground and Lancaster and back of the retina
This autoimmune disease has? Lupus? others can be an option for treatment.
In lymph nodes alone, without problems and without Annu.
it would be better off, and know of a biopsy, when, in a safe and avoid risq.You Hodgkin
This question is for a specialist in internal medicine Gartner, no regular doctor. The fact that bothers me a little push, but we have not at any given time in Europe the same view if the therapy and chemotherapy is now given to the agency if it is defended.

Trooth said...

Simply on the patch

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