Saturday, February 20, 2010

Expert Advisor Robin Hood How Can You Possibly Think An Obama Presidency Will Be Good For The Economy When...?

How can you possibly think an Obama presidency will be good for the economy when...? - expert advisor robin hood

"Employers across the country are promoting his economic plan Republican presidential candidate John McCain over Democratic candidate Barack Obama for" four to a margin.

"Director", Journal of the respondents said more than 750 entrepreneurs and 74 percent said it to quote: "Fear of an Obama presidency would be disastrous for the country."

Herman Cain, former CEO of Pizza Patron, "said McCain plan would cost jobs, and Obama could create jobs, adding that, why is most afraid," CEO "a President Obama because the idea of a senator from Illinois," spread the wealth "is" not even close to Robin Hood robbing the rich to give to the poor,But "socialist thinking."

Cain keeps saying "McCain economic advisor to the CEO and owner of company, while Obama advisers have politicians and scientists."

Econmic CEOs are experts in the country. Almost running a mini-nation. Balance budgets, create jobs, etc., while almost 74% of the fear of America's CEO, "a President Obama, how can we continue to believe that his economic plan is good?

Source: ...


A.R. said...

CEO? Are you kidding? F'ing thieves who created this mess CEOs! Their "experts" to destroy so badly by the government are required to give them a big pot of social security. I thought his hand against the brochures. Well, believe it or not, most of us also. A little help is good, but after the fraud fraud against the taxpayers for more profit in the first place is unacceptable.

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