Friday, January 29, 2010

Tachycardia Causes More Condition_symptoms What Causes A Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia? What Is The Difference Between The One With Pulse Present?

What causes a pulseless ventricular tachycardia? What is the difference between the one with pulse present? - tachycardia causes more condition_symptoms

Cardiac arrest refers to a condition where the heart is not pumping more blood through the body. It is caused by three main reasons, as in the following manner: --
1) The first is ventricular fibrillation / pulseless ventricular tachycardia. In this case, moves the heart quickly, but not) pump blood (ventricular fibrillation, or trying to, as fast (pulseless ventricular tachycardia) pump, which does not flow into the blood, or actually leave.
2) The second type is also known as pulseless electrical activity electromechanical dissociation (designated). In this case, it is usually the conduction in the heart but the heart does not contract.
3) The third type is called asystole, in which no electrical activity, the activity of the heart muscle.
Conversely, if the pulse is present, VT.


Dinty Moore said...

I think a more important factor is speed. A very high fill rates into the ventricle is not sufficient, the cardiac output goes down, and you feel blood pressure and pulse. Electromechanical dissociation can also occur when the heart is so damaged that the electrical activity exists without a corresponding contraction. This is usually seen in the agony and sudden cardiac death.

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