Saturday, February 13, 2010

Does Implantation Bleeding Twice Mean Twins Can Implantation Bleeding Happen Twice?

Can implantation bleeding happen twice? - does implantation bleeding twice mean twins

Implantation bleeding can happen twice?
Brown was discovered 9 DPO and 12 DPO today. Cramp Twins 3dpo average day, or what I implantation bleeding twice

I know that's not my time to get their coffee and then only in cleaning


~ Madison's Mommy ~ said...

If the discharge was brown, but unfortunately it was the blood of old, Somtimes between the periods of your body "cleans" and some women experience a brownish discharge implantation bleeding as a kind of brownish pink discharge is known! So maybe you've had a day everyone! Good Luck a lot of baby dust .. I hope you get your BFP

mommy_2_... said...

You can read more than once, as it cuts more often.

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